The DAILY (Derricknyms, Apps and Ideas to Lift You) Message for Tuesday

The #1 Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes  brings you The DAILY Message to inspire, uplift and empower you to your next level.

In This Issue:

1.  The Daily Derricknym is TEA. What is your cup of TEA (Through Effort Achieve)?  Order a Personalized Derricknym with your name.

2. Today’s word is Dream. What is your dream? My dream is that at least one person will read what I write and change their life? Do you need help with your dream? This is brought to you by Motivation Your Mobile and you can download Today’s word to your Android or I Phone.

3. Idea for today is to learn, earn and help someone else get their turn.

Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University provides you with The DAILY Message and is  available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at  and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to  or call (706) 615-1662.

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