Life Skills for Athletes

April 15, 2019

Life Skills for Athletes presentation took place in the locker room of the Columbus State University Basketball team before one of their home games. Derrick Hayes the “enTIEtainer” used a neck tie to teach them about choices, habits, networking, building relationships, empowering others and overcoming obstacles.

You Can Help SPONSOR Derrick Hayes Next 2 Events

February 1, 2014

TSUDerrick Hayes is offering Individuals, Entrepreneurs, Businesses and Organizations a chance to SPONSOR his upcoming events. In the 1st Quarter of 2014 Derrick Hayes will be speaking to college students in the states of Tennessee and Pennsylvania on the topic of “Building Relationships in College and Out” and he wants to take you along with him.

You can now market you and what you do in two places for one fee.

On February 28th, 2014 Derrick Hayes will be speaking on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN at the 2014 Best Practice for Student Success, Inclusion & Retention Summit.

On March 24th, 2014 Derrick Hayes will be speaking on the campus of Clarion University in Clarion, PA as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Series.

collegespeakerAt each event Derrick Hayes will be giving the audience attendees a handout along with a Sponsorship Page. Each Sponsor will be allowed to have a listing in the handout that can include their company name, contact person, contact information along with how to connect on social media. Sponsors will also have the opportunity to give a DOOR (Derrick Offers Other Resources) Prize that will be raffled off or given away at each event and this will give Sponsors another way to discuss you and what you do. Each Sponsor will also receive a mention on the blogvertisements and Sponsorship Page.

The Sponsorship Fee is $50 and the deadline for both events is February 21st, 2014. If you want to give more or less than the Sponsorship amount click DONATE and let us know if you want to be listed or if you want to remain anonymous.

Contact Derrick Hayes to sponsor his next two events or for more information visit email or call (706) 615-1662. Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available to speak at small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops.

DERRICK Interview with Student Organizer Johnny “ Slin-K” Brownlee

January 4, 2014

JohnnyBrownleeEncouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Johnny “ Slin-K” Brownlee who is speaker and author of Getting In Our Own Way: The Degradation of Student Organizations. He was two time Director of Florida Atlantic University’s former agency, Black Student Union & Multicultural Programming. An organization that at the time,had 600+ members and six-figure budgets.

D is for Dream. What is your dream and what have you achieved?

I want to empower generations of people to think for themselves, be who they are, celebrate who they are and that are willing to be engaged and involved in their own liberation. I don’t want to see another generation of people feel helpless or dictated to. I want people to be able to be Pro whatever, without feeling to be Anti anything. I want a world where we can celebrate our differences and at the same time recognize the connections that we have in common.

E is for Encourage. What encourages you?

My grandmother’s wisdom, my grandfather’s silent strength and the strength and wisdom of elders in general. I really love the generation of people that overcame against all odds, and did what had to be done, rather than talking about what needed to be done.  Lastly the unknown encourages me, you never who is watching and being inspired by what you say and what you do, and you never know how close you are to changing history.

R is for Resource. What resources do you bring to the table that makes you unique or stand out? 

I have a “can do” attitude. I don’t believe in impossible, I believe we just haven’t figured out how or what we need to do it (that IT can be anything) yet. If it can be dreamed it has to be possible.

Also I bring a set of experiences no one else has. I’m not afraid to be called crazy or to think outside the box. You don’t fix problems with the same thinking that created them.

R is for Ready? When did you realize you were ready for what you are doing now?

People have been telling me I would affect and encourage people since I was a child. People continually told me I should speak, the first ten conferences I applied for I got accepted to all of them to my surprise, and one of those was at Yale. And at a few conferences other speakers have come to my workshop and people were telling me to write a book, and encouraging me of the importance of doing so.  So I have continued speaking and I finally wrote the book.  People see things in me I try to suppress sometimes

I is for Individual. Name at least one person that you know that you feel others should learn about and why?

Lucson Joseph. He is the leader and founder of the National Haitian Student Alliance.  He is encouraging a generation of students and molding leaders to learn and appreciate their culture, country and history, and to make changes on their campus, community and homeland. It’s Empowering to watch him in action and see his passion.

C is for Continue. When you fail, things look bleak or are not optimistic what makes you want to continue?

Faith and the Unknown. I have faith that change is closer than we expect, the breakthrough that changes everything is right around the corner, a few steps away, one speech away, one workshop away. Also I don’t want to quit, because I don’t know who my quitting affects. You never know who is following you. I don’t want them to quit or feel let down.

K is for Key. What keys to success can you leave for upcoming entrepreneurs and leaders? 

You are your own savior and super hero. Everything you need already exists in you, to save your self. Stop waiting for the next great …and be the first, or let’s all just be great together and achieve by committee. Strength is in Unity. Let’s put the needs of WE over the convenience of ME a little bit more and watch the things we can achieve.

Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to inspire others with?

Yes, I want students to know that they’re in the perfect position in their lives to change the world. Don’t use or allow anyone to use your economic status, your age, culture, race, or lack of experience to discredit or discourage you from making changes on any level. Have Strong determination and don’t be afraid of change. A few people really can change the world; they’re he only ones that ever have.

Visit Johnny “ Slin-K” Brownlee for more information.

Networking in College: How to Promote Yourself?

January 7, 2013

By Fresno State University Student  Steve Armstrong

Networking is defined as an exchange of information where an individual introduces himself and the services he can provide to persons or organizations. This is a particularly useful mechanism for the growth of productive relationships leading to future employment or business ventures. The mechanism of networking is especially beneficial in college as you will want to start building professional connections prior to graduation, thereby facilitating and increasing future job possibilities. According to college experts from, networking is especially useful when you want to get to know and build connections with people in the industries that you will be entering post graduation.

Networking in College – How to Promote Yourself?

College studies are undeniably one of the busiest periods in a young adult’s life. In addition to a packed course schedule, most college students have a full social schedule and are hence kept constantly busy. Several ways to go about integrating networking processes amidst the packed schedules are highlighted below.

Approach Seniors and Alumni Members

It is beneficial to know your seniors and college graduates. Firstly, they are already in the industry or know people in it. Hence it will be most useful to leverage on their available contacts to aid in promoting yourself. They may also have invitations or sources to attend industrial – linked seminars and conferences that you could gain exposure in. This will help in facilitating your future entry to the relevant industries.

Harness Social Networking Sites to Gain Exposure

There are an abundance of social networking sites that you could leverage on to promote yourself. Most prominent sites are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Facebook and Twitter would be useful for connecting with people in the industry in a non-formal setting. It is also easier for you to keep in touch with them through postings and events. Examples of these would be social events or gatherings with industry players. LinkedIn, on the other hand, could be used to build a more professional image of you are to launch yourself into the industry. It is also easier to identify the key players in your industry through LinkedIn and initiate professional connections with them starting in college. They will most likely remember you in future when relevant opportunities arise or when you are looking to enter the industry.

Be Mentored in an Internship Program

Internship is an obvious step to gain exposure and promote yourself in the relevant industry. A good approach would be to source for a mentor who is willing to guide you during internship and future school related projects. Your mentor will not only be able to guide you through the proper industrial procedures, but he will also be able to identify your strengths and highlight your weaknesses. Hence, you will have the time to rectify and be better equipped to enter the workforce by graduation.  The industrial advantage of an internship is also beneficial for you to promote yourself to potential employers in terms of skills and connections. There is a high chance that employers will hire candidates who have served internship in their companies as these candidates are already acclimatized to the working environment and built connections with other colleagues. Hence, this places you ahead of other candidates. Furthermore, an internship provides you with relevant work experience to add to your resume. This will contribute favorably to your job application.

The mechanisms listed above are several ways that you could network and promote yourself. Most importantly, you have to show up and be present in these interactions. Promote yourself as a positive, dedicated person who has passion in the relevant industries and that you will be an invaluable addition and be a contributor in their companies or ventures.

Author Bio: Steve has a Marketing major from Fresno State University in California and in his spare time works part-time for, which is a college paper writing service, helping students with term paper writing