Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes Provides Back To School Motivation For Students and Staff

July 10, 2012

Countless students and staff vow to come back to school energized and ready for success. Be it in the classroom or outside the classroom goals cannot be accomplished without the right motivation to take the necessary steps. With a guiding hand and powerful words, Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes is here to help.

From assemblies for students to Professional Development workshops and seminars for staff Hayes empowers his message, “There’s More In STORE For You” to lift scholars and educators to their next level.

“There’s More In STORE For You” is an ideal program for meetings, conferences, and events at schools, colleges and educational organizations.

With over 20 years experience Derrick Hayes has been featured as the keynote speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as Fulton County Board of Education, Muscogee County Board of Education, U.S. Department of Commerce, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University, and many others.

As a featured writer, Hayes has had articles and columns appear in several publications and on many Web sites. Hayes has written for Next Step Magazine, www.BlackEmerge.com, www.DiversityInc.com, The Anointed News Journal, and others. Most recently, Hayes has was a author contributor in The Power Of Persistence and Facebook For Your Business. Derrick Hayes current book is entitled 1 WORD Is All It Takes™.

Contact Derrick Hayes:

Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at www.DerrickHayes.com and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to info@DerrickHayes.com or call (706) 615-1662.

First YEAR Experience

June 1, 2012

by Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes

I subscribe to the First Year Experience ListServ and the daily emails that I receive inspired me to think back on my early years in college. I hope your first in college is as good for you as mine was for me.

Back in 1988 I was a freshman staying in Watson Hall room 531 on the campus of Tennessee State University. My next door neighbor in room 531 was Regail Swauncey.

Regail knocked on my door one day and said “let’s go into business”. I thought he was crazy but I jumped up at the challenge and we started Hot Dog Heaven.

Not every First Year student will start a business but you can still have a great school year.  Through the word YEAR I give you 4 ways to make the most of your First YEAR Experience in college.

Y is for Yearn. Ask yourself, what are you passionate about? What do you like to do? What are you the best at? Do you plan to join clubs and network on campus?

E is for Education. What do you plan on majoring in? Are you taking the right classes that will allow you to graduate on time? Do you have a study buddy or tutor in place to help you keep your grades up?

A is for Apply. How do you plan to apply what you love and what you have learned? Are you looking to intern, work part time in your field or start a business out of your dorm room like we did?

R is for Recognize.  When you do decide what you want to do you will begin to recognize what opportunities are good for you and which ones are not? College is a great place to learn about people and prepare for the real world.

Once you Yearn, Educate and Apply your dream you will begin to Recognize how important the First YEAR Experience in college is and how it can set you up for a successful life.

If you work at a college or university in Student Affairs, Orientation, FYE, or TRIO please give a Student Life Report about your institution of Higher Learning that will encourage students to want to enroll on your campus.

Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. For more information or to book Derrick Hayes for a meeting, conference or event visit him at http://www.DerrickHayes.com,  email him at info@derrickhayes.com or call (706) 615-1662.

Book The W.O.E. Man Show For Black History Month in 2012

December 16, 2011

Do you have a Black History Month program coming up?

With powerful words, Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes is here to help. Countless individuals vow for a change. Be it spiritually, financially or mentally, goals cannot be accomplished without the encouragement to take the necessary steps.

From the work place to the church pews, people need encouragement to propel them to the God-given success they already possess, Hayes says. While it’s inside already, sometimes an extra push is needed. I strive to provide that.

Hayes has the unique talent of turning names and words into positive messages within seconds right before your eyes.  Hayes calls these Derricknyms. His critically acclaimed first book by the same name (first print 2000) has been utilized in corporate, religious and scholastic settings. Personalized Derricknyms can be ordered by going to http://www.derrickhayes.com/derricknyms/. One of the most frequently used Derricknyms is W.O.E.

I always tell people to make sure they give others a W.O.E. daily. Hayes says, “In the general context, a woe is a problem.” In the Derricknym fashion, it is a Word of Encouragement.

Hayes is a highly sought-after speaker nationwide. He has been featured as the keynote speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as the U.S. Department of Commerce, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University,  and many others.

As a featured writer, Hayes has had articles and columns appear in several publications and on many Web sites. Hayes has written for Next Step Magazine, www.BlackEmerge.com, www.DiversityInc.com, The Anointed News Journal, and others. Most recently, Hayes has written Grow The “F” Up (www.amazon.com) and is a contributor to the thought-provoking book, Can Hip-Hop Be Holy? In the fall of 2011 Derrick Hayes released his highly anticipated ebook entitled, 1 WORD Is All It Takes™.

You can now book The W.O.E. Man Show for Black History Month by visiting Derrick’s website at www.DerrickHayes.com, send an email to info@DerrickHayes.com or call (706) 615-1662.

Back To School Encouragement For Students and Staff

August 4, 2011

Countless educators vow for a change. Be it spiritually, financially or mentally, goals cannot be accomplished without the encouragement to take the necessary steps. With a guiding hand and powerful words, Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes is here to help.

From the classroom to staff meetings, people need encouragement to propel them to the God-given success they already possess, Hayes says. While it’s inside already, sometimes an extra push is needed. I strive to provide that.

Hayes has the unique talent of turning names and words into positive messages within seconds right before your eyes. Hayes calls these Derricknyms. His critically acclaimed first book by the same name (first print 2000) has been utilized in corporate, religious and scholastic settings. One of the most frequently used Derricknyms is W.O.E.

I always tell people to make sure they give others a W.O.E. daily. Hayes says, “In the general context, a woe is a problem.” In the Derricknym fashion, it is a Word of Encouragement.

Hayes is a highly sought-after speaker nationwide. He has been featured as the keynote speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as Fulton County Board of Education, Muscogee County Board of Education, U.S. Department of Commerce, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University, and many others.
As a featured writer, Hayes has had articles and columns appear in several publications and on many Web sites.

Hayes has written for Next Step Magazine, http://www.BlackEmerge.com, http://www.DiversityInc.com, The Anointed News Journal, and others. Most recently, Hayes has written Grow The “F” Up (www.amazon.com) and is a contributor to the thought-provoking book, Can Hip-Hop Be Holy? In the fall of 2011 Derrick Hayes will release his highly anticipated book entitled, 1 WORD Is All It Takes™.

Derrick Hayes new venture Motivation to Your Mobile™ is an application that will allow scholars to receive Hayes daily quotes that they can use to empower students and staff. Motivation to Your Mobile™ is a free downloaded on the Android Market. Learn more about Motivation to Your Mobile™ and to download the app go to http://www.motivationtoyourmobile.com.

Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at http://www.DerrickHayes.com and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to info@DerrickHayes.com or call (706) 615-1662.