Book The WOE Man Show

April 30, 2017

In the summer of 2017 you can bring in the WOE Man Show to give motivation inspiration and encouragement to your group youth church program city town organization association school college business or company.

While faced with divorce with his after college sweetheart Derrick Hayes moved with a friend and slept on his apartment floor without a bed for over a year. Next to Derrick was a bible that read woe is me and a dictionary that defined woe as a trial and tribulation. When Derrick pulled out a pen and pad he received his life changing statement, “Before you leave work or go to sleep tonight, give someone a WOE, a Word Of Encouragement.”

Derrick had Derricknyms but when facing adversity the universe used him to give the world WOE by speaking to him through words so that others would receive entertainment education and elevation.

The WOE Man Show came to life after Derrick Hayes developed his craft  as a Motivational Speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as the U.S. Department of Commerce, Subway, Legacy Chevrolet, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University, and many others.

Derrick Hayes is never selfish with his success as he gives back to others by providing them with guest blogging opportunities, publicity with DERRICK Interviews, recognition via his blog Today’s Honoree and motivation with The DAILY Message and the Android and iPhones app Motivation To Your Mobile.

Book the WOE Man Show by visiting, emailing and by calling (706) 615-1662.