The DAILY (Derricknyms, Apps and Ideas to Lift You) Message for Wednesday

May 1, 2013

Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes brings you The DAILY Message on May 1st, 2013 to empower and inspire you to your next level.

(Please read and Like, Share, Retweet or Reblog The DAILY Message)

In This Issue:

1. Daily Derricknym is FLOWER. Did You Turn April Into May FLOWER (Fruit Let’s Others Witness Empowered Results)? Now you can also order your name as a Personalized Derricknym.

2. Today’s word is President. One can lead their country or company with Presidential excellence. Let’s strive to be leaders of good and not followers of evil. This is brought to you by Motivation To Your Mobile and you can download Today’s word to your Android or I Phone.

3. Idea for today is to vote especially when you have the power to. Here is how you can exercise your right to vote.

I nominated my Dad James Hayes, Jr. and he was selected as a finalist for JET’s first annual “Fantastic Father Contest.” The gallery featuring of all of the nominees is now up on Please click to go directly to the gallery. Once you are on the Gallery page my Dad’s profile is on the second page.

Official voting for the best dad winner is for today only, Wednesday, May 1. Remember that polls are only open for one day so we encourage you to ask all of your family and friends to vote. The nominee with the most votes by midnight CT on Wednesday, May 1, will be the winner.

Please help me get the word out and vote so that someone we know has a good chance to win.

Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at  and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to  or call (706) 615-1662.

It’s SUPER Tuesday

November 6, 2012

For the last few months we have been hearing that you should vote for Obama or Romney during this Presidential election. Treat each day like it’s SUPER Tuesday and cast a vote for yourself. When you Seek, Use, Practice, Encourage and Rise SUPER things will happen for you and not just on SUPER Tuesday.

(S) eek opportunities for yourself, family and your community.

(U) se your skills to pay your bills.

(P) ractice makes perfect.

(E) ncourage others along the way.

(R) ise when you fall and it will lift others up.

You are SUPER so have a SUPER Tuesday.

The DAILY (Derricknyms, Apps and Ideas to Lift You) Message for Tuesday

November 6, 2012

The #1 Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes  brings you The DAILY Message to inspire, uplift and empower you to your next level.

In This Issue:

1. The Daily Derricknym is WALL. How to Knock Down Your WALL (Work Adjust Listen Lead). Dream). You can also order your name as a Personalized Derricknym.

2. Today’s word is Graduate. Class will never stop being in session. The decision has to be made when to apply the knowledge. Step up from being a sideline reporter to becoming the go to person. This is brought to you by Motivation Your Mobile and you can download Today’s word to your Android or I Phone.

3. Idea for today is to vote for yourself at least one time today. It’s Super Tuesday.

We provide you with the DAI (Derricknyms, Apps and Ideas) so that you will be inspired to have a great DAY (Dreams Are Yours).

Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at  and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to  or call (706) 615-1662.

Voter Encouragement

November 5, 2008

Did you vote? If you did, you have already made a difference.