DERRICK Interview with Running Scared Author Robert Leon Davis

September 20, 2018

Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Robert Leon Davis who is the Author of Running Scared and in this book he details his former life of a young, 22 year old, cocky and arrogant police officer, who committed a crime in 1979, was arrested, skipped bail, and became known as one of America’s longest running fugitives without being apprehended; for 22 years.

The U. S. Marshal Service and FBI (interstate flight to avoid prosecution) searched for him for over two decades.

The book details how he lived a nomadic life in the woods and forest, and his travels throughout various cities.

It also details how he hunted and consume wild animals, how he dealt with the elements, as well as how he conquered loneliness.

The author eventually “voluntarily surrendered” in 2001, by then nearly 50 years of age, after what he described as a revelation. The Judge gave him no prison time, but released him on probation, after assessing that he “eventually incarcerated himself”.

The author travels the country for the last 16 years speaking to potential police candidates, churches, schools, and various organizations about crime and corruption.

Since his “surrendered” he’s been featured on The 700 Club with Pat Robertson, NPR stations nationally, Snap Judgement, various newspapers, and CBS did a special segment on his life.

Now a senior citizen over 60, and looking back over 40 years ago, he now appreciates freedom.

The author was (and still is) soo sickened by his past life, (especially dishonoring the badge), that as a token of his appreciation for forgiveness, profits from his books are donated to The St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and various women and children abuse organizations.

This book is an example to all that repentance can actually be demonstrated in a positive way. His motto is;

“Learn to forgive so that you may be forgiven”.

D is for My DEVOTION to revealing the secret tactics of bad/rogue law enforcers, who has dishonored the badge and the communities trust. Many, through my website and articles, have been reprimanded or jailed. It’s a token of my bad experiences as a bad cop.

E is to EDUCATE the common citizen, also through my book and online articles, that just like you have bad carpenters, bad auto mechanics, etc., why wouldn’t one believe there are bad cops? Every vocation had a bad worker.

R is for RESPECT. Even if a law enforcer has an issue with your dreads, your style, men wearing earring, or ladies with tattoos, he must still respect you as a human.

Oftentimes, not only law enforcers, but everyday people who don’t share your style, has already determined who you are based on their physical observation of you.

I’ve personally have had to get over this hump. Just wait until they open their mouths, and you may see something totally different.

R is for Repentance. Trust me, God already knew that you and I was not made perfect; by design. Once he brought the Messiah into the picture, there could be no other perfection. The closest that we will become perfect is through repentance. In essence, you get another chance.

I is for Information. Now a days, unlike many years ago, or in the case of people of color, you can Google all sorts of information.

You can discover things you never knew. For instance, through Google, I discovered that the light bulb didn’t, “only” come from Thomas Edison’s mind, but a black person was in the “back”. The main person behind the concept along with Edison was him!

C is for COLORS of people. Listen, the color of your skin is based on a simple pigmentation issue. It has nothing to do with your successes, or lack of successes. It’s the mind, or the thinking processes of the mind. An examination of any human mind is all grey, and only weight about the same weight across the board. It’s just grey matter. The inside is what matters.

K is for Kindness. Ever been at an appointment or other venue where children of different races are together? Notice how they gravitate towards each other?

They, at that point, don’t understand racism, bigotry, or even hate. They are naturally kind to each other. Maybe some of us should look at that hard. It’s deep.

Visit for more information.

DERRICK Interview with Comedian Rodney Perry

October 12, 2012

The #1 Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Comedian Rodney Perry who was born in Chicago and raised in Monroe Louisiana. Rodney served his country for eight years as a member of the United States Navy. Serving two tours of duty took Rodney to New Orleans and to the Bay Area, which prepared him for the entertainment industry and for life. He would perform his duties as Yeoman Second Class by day and perform his sidesplitting comedy shows by night. Perry came to a crossroad in 1998, when he had to choose between continuing his Navy career or making Stand-Up Comedy a career. He chose the latter.

A few weeks ago I did a DERRICK Interview with Comedian Lav Luv and he mentioned that Rodney Perry was the person that others should learn more about. After Lav Luv gave me the opportunity I reached out to RP and now you are about to read my DERRICK Interview with Comedian Rodney Perry.

D is for Dream. What is your dream and what have you achieved?

My dream was and is to be one of the world’s best comedians.  My brand is building, I have a national audience and Rodney Perry time is close at hand.

E is for Encourage. What encourages you?

I am encouraged by my family.  They give me my drive.  They are my engine.  Without my family I am not sure if I would be as focused.

R is for Resource. What resources do you bring to the table that makes you unique or stand out?

The core of what I do is to make people laugh, but my greater purpose is to lighten the collective burden.  When someone goes to see me I want them to walk away with a sense of fulfillment.

R is for Ready. When did you realize you were ready for what you are doing now?

I had a teacher that would let me tell jokes at the end of class if I would shut up during the course of the day… That was in second grade.  I was born ready to do what I am doing now, and I just got ready to do what’s coming up next.  You must always prepare for your next big thing.

I is for Individual. Name at least one person that you know that you feel others should learn about and why?

Dr. Farrah Gray is the first person who comes to mind.  I often site him when talking to my children.  He made is first Million Dollars as a teen.  Shoot for the stars!!

C is for Continue. When you fail, things look bleak or are not optimistic what makes you want to continue?

Winners win even when they lose.  I live in a perpetual state of WIN, so even when things aren’t going in my favor I am learning about that situation and myself.

K is for Key. What keys to success can you leave for upcoming entrepreneurs and leaders?

Work Hard… There are no days off when you are the boss, Unless you say so.

Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to inspire others with? 

I will leave you all with this… Find something you Love and do it to the best of your ability.  You will be happy, you will make money, and you will never regret your decision.

Check out Rodney Perry’s new show “Off The Chain” premiering on Bounce TV October 22nd, 2012 at 9:oo PM EST.

Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes Provides Back To School Motivation For Students and Staff

July 10, 2012

Countless students and staff vow to come back to school energized and ready for success. Be it in the classroom or outside the classroom goals cannot be accomplished without the right motivation to take the necessary steps. With a guiding hand and powerful words, Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes is here to help.

From assemblies for students to Professional Development workshops and seminars for staff Hayes empowers his message, “There’s More In STORE For You” to lift scholars and educators to their next level.

“There’s More In STORE For You” is an ideal program for meetings, conferences, and events at schools, colleges and educational organizations.

With over 20 years experience Derrick Hayes has been featured as the keynote speaker at several events sponsored by such entities as Fulton County Board of Education, Muscogee County Board of Education, U.S. Department of Commerce, Brown Sanders College, Georgia State University, Tennessee Childcare Facilities Corporation, Mississippi 4-H, American Camping Association, Bowie State University, Tennessee State University, Georgia Power, Jackson State University, and many others.

As a featured writer, Hayes has had articles and columns appear in several publications and on many Web sites. Hayes has written for Next Step Magazine,,, The Anointed News Journal, and others. Most recently, Hayes has was a author contributor in The Power Of Persistence and Facebook For Your Business. Derrick Hayes current book is entitled 1 WORD Is All It Takes™.

Contact Derrick Hayes:

Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops. Please visit Derrick’s website at and to book him for a speaking engagement or media event, send an email to or call (706) 615-1662.