DERRICK Interview with Life Coach and Radio Personality Victor Sosa

October 31, 2012

#1 Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Victor Sosa who is a 14 year radio pro who has spent the last 9 years as a DJ at New York’s #1 rated radio station, Victor is also a Certified Professional Life Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner dedicated to helping people get crystal clear about what they want.  He does this by working with you to clarify your personal or professional goals, develop strategies to achieve them, or learn to do what he struggled with for so long, which is to separate who you are from what you do.

D is for Dream. What is your dream, goals or what have you achieved?

From the time I was very young, I wanted to be on the radio.  Growing up in New York City and listening to people like the late, great Frankie Crocker was such an inspiration to me.  He was captivating and brought the entertainment and fun everywhere he went.  In cutting my own path through the industry, I’ve gotten to travel to different parts of the country, do everything from being a DJ to running 3 different radio stations and prayerfully, entertain the millions of people who’ve heard my voice over the last 14 years.  Recently, I’ve begun to realize a new dream that I believe bears some similarity to radio.  Being a life coach enables to me to connect with people in a very personal way, just like good radio does.

But coaching goes even deeper because I have a hand in helping people create lasting change in their lives.  I help you step out of the prison of your past, where regrets and guilt reside because they’ve been wreaking havoc on your thoughts and your life for too long already!  As you step into the present, I’m there to help you take the wisdom gained from your past and apply it towards the creation of the life you want and deserve.

I’m still on the air in New York City; I love radio and it will always be a part of me.  But coaching is the most spiritually and emotionally satisfying thing I’ve ever done.

E is for Encourage. What encourages you?

Every single day (or night, since my current radio job is overnight) that I open my eyes.  I am so grateful and encouraged by the fact that the Good Lord saw fit to give me the opportunity of life!  Life is an opportunity every day in every way; waking up and realizing I’ve been given another opportunity to make the most of it is too big a blessing to take for granted.

R is for Resource. What resources do you bring to the table that makes you unique or stand out?

My life!  Everyplace I’ve been, everything I’ve done, all I’ve seen, heard, learned (and continue to learn daily) make up the kind of resources nobody else can or ever will acquire, because they’re mine.  I’ve been a career obsessed, self absorbed loner concerned only with how best to go about having my way with the world….and am moving more and more each day towards someone who has goals but gets more satisfaction over what the journey offers than the goal itself.  Someone who values the people around me and understands that while we are all unique, we are also all one; to harm others is to harm ourselves.  True love of self isn’t selfish; it’s the thing that enables you to give love to others freely.  I think what I’m really getting at here is that I see my greatest resource as having been on both sides of the coin; I’m on the journey from selfish to selfless.  Because of that, as a coach….well, not just as a coach, but as a human being I can relate to where you’re at right now and where you want to be.

R is for Ready. When did you realize you were ready for what you are doing now?

When I knew I couldn’t keep what I was learning and the changes I was making in my life to myself.  As I mentioned above, I was obsessed with my career.  Radio wasn’t just what I did, it was who I was; there was no separation as I saw it.  Because of that, I was hell bent on “success” as I saw it.  So if I wasn’t where I wanted to be, that equated to failure in my mind, which must mean I was a failure.  There are so many moving parts, people and extenuating circumstances in life, that to put that kind of pressure on yourself is a recipe for disaster.  And a disaster it was.  I was forever unhappy, always feeling “stuck” in one job, eyeing the next one because that would bring success….except when I got that next job, it was the job after that which would truly make me successful.  The need for validation, the self doubt, the assumptions and beliefs I carried that I allowed to limit me left me feeling like a victim.  I felt powerless to keep all these horrible things from happening to me.  I didn’t know it at the time, but the only reason I felt powerless to change my situation was because I was GIVING MY POWER AWAY to those circumstances, beliefs and other people whom I unwittingly allowed to control my life.

I lived that way for the majority of my radio career, until a few years ago when my mom passed away and the relationship I was in ended within a couple of months of each other.  At that point, I had major decisions to make about my life and where it was headed.  When I made the decision to stop trying to live life without the direction and guidance of God, He began turning things around immediately.  I immersed myself in positive books, speakers and other materials.  I decided to try to adopt some of the beliefs and techniques I was reading about, and saw even more things change in my life for the better.  As my energy shifted from negative to positive, I knew I couldn’t remain silent.  In the radio industry alone, I knew tons of people who were at least as miserable as I had been.  Once I understood that things could change, I was overwhelmed with the desire to share that knowledge with everyone!  Your life doesn’t have to remain the same if that’s not what you want.  That’s when I knew I was ready to find an avenue to get that message out, and training to become a coach was the next natural step.

I is for Individual. Name at least one person that you know that you feel others should learn about and why?

Wow.  I could run off a dozen gurus and “experts” of the coaching game, and they’re all great.  But I’d be honored if you spent some time learning about my friend Kesha Monk.

Kesha is one of my radio mentors, and a supremely talented personality who’s entertained millions of people in LA, Chicago and New York.  For reasons I don’t know and probably wouldn’t understand, she hasn’t found another radio gig since her last one came to an end in 2008, and more than that, she’s currently battling stage 4 colon cancer.  The reason I believe you’d benefit from spending time with Kesha is because of the attitude and spirit she maintains in spite of the challenge in front of her now.  She’s created a website to document the ups and downs of her fight against cancer, and when you visit it, you’ll see why she is such a dynamic person and radio personality.  The best radio DJ’s aren’t playing a role; they establish meaningful connections with people by baring a part of their soul on a daily basis.  Kesha’s done that on the air her entire career and she’s doing it now on her website.  You don’t just feel like you know Kesha Monk; you DO know Kesha Monk.  And she’s worth the time it takes to get to know her.

C is for Continue. When you fail, things look bleak or are not optimistic what makes you want to continue?

You know, I looked at that question and realized that a few years ago, the answer would’ve been, “I don’t want to continue.”  That was kinda deep.  I needed a minute to take that in and realize how lucky and grateful I am before I could move on and actually answer you!

Actually, those sentences have the answer within them.  I know what it’s like to not want to continue for another hour, let alone another day.  And I know just how quickly it can all turn around.  When things don’t look good, I understand that they are where they are for a reason, and it doesn’t matter if I know why or not.  I know that when I place my trust in God, He’ll create the situation and opportunity that leaves me in perfect position to do my part to maneuver things into my favor.  He’s done it once, He’ll do it again, and He’ll never stop doing it.  But I know He won’t do it until He knows I’m ready for that opportunity.  I know if I remain faithful and move forward, a door WILL open.

K is for Key. What keys to success can you leave for upcoming entrepreneurs and leaders?

Most people who tell you that you can’t are people who won’t.

Funny thing is that sometimes they actually mean well; they don’t want to see you hurt or see you fail.  But even if they think they’re doing you a favor, don’t place yourself in the proverbial box just because they’ve never come out of theirs.

Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to inspire others with?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I said it earlier, but it bears repeating; I felt powerless to change my situation for years but the truth was that I had been giving my power away because I believed I had none.  Once I understood that I did have the power to change my life and I exercised that power, things turned on a dime.  The old Victor passed away, and a new one arrived!  Things can change!  If I could do it, then you can do it!  So if you feel like a victim; like bad things are always happening to you and that you’re trapped by the circumstances of your situation, let me ask you this: how much longer are you willing to go on with things as they are?

For more information, please visit Hi Def Life Coaching.

DERRICK Interview with Personal Development Trainer Dr. Joe Rubino

October 24, 2012

Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Dr. Joe Rubino who is an acclaimed personal development trainer, life-changing success & life-optimization coach & best-selling author of 12 books in 24 languages. To subscribe to his FREE newsletters, learn more about his life-impacting coaching, and courses or to read about his books, visit and

D is for Dream. What is your dream, goals or what have you achieved?

My dream or vision is to impact the lives of 20 million children and 20 million adults to live their best lives with soaring self-esteem, a positive expectation for the future and a commitment to champion others. My Self-Esteem Elevation and Life Coaching Certification programs and are attracting legions of light-bearers committed to impacting the lives of others. Through impacting others to impact others, I will realize my dream and we will shift the consciousness of our planet from anger, scarcity, violence, and fear to love, compassion, contribution, and empowerment.

E is for Encourage. What encourages you?

Seeing people possess the courage to make right choices that align with their commitments and values rather than their petty concerns encourages me. I am humbled and moved by the awesome magnificence that every person possesses when they follow their hearts and intuition, manage their negative self-talk and act selflessly rather than from ego and fear.

R is for Resource. What resources do you bring to the table that makes you unique or stand out?

My gift is creating structures and programs that allow others to win, to live their best lives, enhance their relationships, attract abundance, happiness, fulfilling work and peace of mind. Some of these programs include:

R is for Ready. When did you realize you were ready for what you are doing now?

At the age of 37, I was a resigned extreme introvert who did not believe in myself, was unaware of my gifts, was not living my life purpose and was not honoring my values or contributing significantly to the world. By entering into a rigorous personal development program, I got clear about what this was costing me in terms of my health, happiness, values, life purpose, and potential for living my best life. I decided to reinvent myself and teach others how to also reinvent themselves to be abundant, happy, fulfilled, possess rich relationships and live without regrets.

I is for Individual. Name at least one person that you know that you feel others should learn about and why?

The world is full of our teachers. When you become clear about what you need to grow and learn, those teachers will show up for you. We recommend a new life-impacting teacher several times a week for you at

C is for Continue. When you fail, things look bleak or are not optimistic what makes you want to continue?

I know that every problem contains a gift within it for my growth and understanding. Life is a process of learning and growing and when things look bleak, I must ask myself “Who am I being that this is showing up in my?” “What do I need to learn to break through this challenge?” “What’s good about this problem?” Responsibility means having the ability to respond in any situation to be able to learn, grow and manifest your intentions into reality. By seeing the future as not only exciting, but inevitably positive and inspiring, I am self-motivated to do whatever it takes to realize my dreams.

K is for Key. What keys to success can you leave for upcoming entrepreneurs and leaders?

Get clarity regarding your commitments. We are all committed to something…most of us are committed to our convenience.

Embrace, welcome and look for problems rather than try to avoid them. Within each problem lies a breakthrough we need for our personal and spiritual growth.

Take responsibility for everything that shows up around you. Not like it’s your fault, but to empower you to learn and become more.

Honor and remain true to your values.

Take the focus off of your petty concerns and play large with a commitment to impacting others. Make a commitment to leave each person a bit better than you found them.

Be a visionary. Know that you have the awesome power to manifest any vision you believe in.

Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to inspire others with?

Yes, know that every day offers an infinite number of new opportunities for growth. You can be aware of the possibilities, watch for the serendipities, live intentionally, and believe in yourself, live with love and positive expectation. There is great support for you to step into your magnificence, live your life purpose (we all have one), share your gifts with others, and realize your vision for a life that honors you and others. Live with love.

Visit Dr. Joe Rubino for more information

DERRICK Interview with Coach Lorraine Esposito

October 9, 2012

Encouragement Speaker Derrick Hayes gives a DERRICK Interview by asking 7 questions through each letter of his first name to give you an insightful perspective from other experts, entrepreneurs, celebrities and up and coming super stars.

Today’s DERRICK Interview is with Lorraine Esposito who is a professional life and fitness coach and nationally recognized author of The Peacemaker Parent. She has been featured in broadcast, radio, print, and online media. Lorraine is also a coach training instructor and mentor coach for the world’s largest coach training organization.

D is for Dream. What is your dream, goals or what have you achieved?

a. My dream is to create a generation of people who can think for themselves and have the courage to do something about it.

b. My goal is to empower all people with greater personal influence.

c. I have achieved powerful influence personally which in turn has created leadership and courage in others, most importantly my two teenage sons.

E is for Encourage. What encourages you?

a. I’m encouraged by mistakes. Each time I goof, or my kids goof, I’m encouraged to find the perfection in the situation and to leverage the perfection for even greater wisdom and growth.

R is for Resource. What resources do you bring to the table that makes you unique or stand out?

a. I am a unique resource. I’ve lived so many different lives, i.e. poor and obese in the mid-west, corporate manager in the north east, fitness expert all over, author, mother, teacher, mentor, and three-time business owner. I’ve learned AND experienced so many different things that I share common ground and understanding with practically everyone. This broad base of experience allows me to connect tools, information, and insight to the individuals that I serve.

R is for Ready. When did you realize you were ready for what you are doing now?

a. I knew I was ready for my current venture because I had proven my ideas successful in a variety of ways. Personal victory wasn’t enough to give me the confidence to suggest and advise others, so I sought and received support from professionals. The blessings and support given early in my first shaky steps were essential to my courage to live into my passion.

I is for Individual. Name at least one person that you know that you feel others should learn about and why?

a. There are two individuals I highly recommend people take time to explore: one is living and the other is not.

i. My living recommended person is Becky Blanton. The journey of her life is filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Becky’s life is a living demonstration of the power of courage, resiliency, and faith.

ii. The other person I highly recommend people get acquainted with is Leonardo da Vinci—not for his legacy of art (though amazing and wonderful) but for his 7 principles of living a meaningful life. His genius is most profoundly experienced by understanding his mind.

C is for Continue. When you fail, things look bleak or are not optimistic what makes you want to continue?

a. Continuing with my passion is not an option for me. I have identified the most important reason for living my life in pursuit of leadership: Without the ability to think for themselves, the next generation of leaders will destroy the planet. With clarity like that, falling down isn’t even noticed.

K is for Key. What keys to success can you leave for upcoming entrepreneurs and leaders?

a. The most important key is the most difficult to find. The key is YOU—no one else can do what you do in the way it needs to be done. Often I’ll suggest to my players (as a coach I have players not clients) that they endorse their greatest weakness. By offering even the aspects of yourself that you wish to hide, you open a world of possibilities and opportunities. Our greatest strengths are found in our humanity.

Is there anything that we did not touch on that you would like to inspire others with?

a. One last thing to consider is that every adult is a role model for the kids that watch. Whether you are a parent, teacher, athletic coach, religious leader, or just an everyday guy or gal, there are kids watching what you do. Your deeds speak volumes and contribute to the creation of our planet’s legacy. Please, choose your actions wisely.

Visit Lorraine Esposito for more information.